And now presenting the only REAL Spring 2018 BandNotes Articles in the Ivy League!
We’d like to briefly introduce ourselves to you! We are the 2018 Alumni Relations Chairs- Maria Komorowski ‘19 and Natalie Parker ‘20. Maria is a pre-med Nutritional Science major from Erie, PA. She has served on band leadership before as the 2017 horn co-section leader and has been one of the pep band historians since autumn 2016. Natalie Parker is a pre-med sophomore studying French and Biology from Ridgefield, Connecticut. She plays clarinet and is a proud member of Rank Z! Please feel free to reach out to us at and; we’d love to hear from you!
As Ithaca begins to thaw and the hockey season ending, the bandsmen have had time to reflect on their hopes for the season. The new BandStaph members are settling into their roles and are already working towards new opportunities to make the band one of the most positive organizations on campus. In the meantime, we’re maximizing the time spent with our soon-to-be graduates, who have helped shape our band memories and contributed to our long standing traditions. While we’re enjoying the growing sunlight, take a glance through the attached articles to see what the band has already done this year and the great things we look forward to doing.
We hope to see you back on the Hill soon! Reunion weekend is June 7-10, 2018 and Homecoming is September 22, 2018. Nothing is quite like hearing music on distant chimes as the twilight falls.
Warm Regards,
Maria Komorowski ‘19
Natalie Parker ‘20

Maria Komorowski (left) and Natalie Parker (right)
Special Dates to Know
Reunion: June 7-10, 2018
Homecoming: September 22, 2018
Sy Katz Parade: November 17, 2018
Due to changes in the football calendar, our marching band schedule has slightly changed from what it’s been in the past. A few of the games have been moved to new dates or locations, so if you’re interested in attending any of the games please give extra attention to when and where. The Harvard game is now home this year, the Princeton game is away, and the last three games have been shuffled from their traditional weekend.
Fall 2018 Marching Band Schedule
First Night: August 20, 2018
Homecoming v. Yale: September 22, 2018
Home Football v. Sacred Heart: September 29, 2018
Home Football v. Harvard: October 6, 2018
Away Football at Brown: October 20, 2018
Away Football at Princeton: October 27, 2018
Home Football v. PennSucks: November 3, 2018
Home Football v. Dartmouth: November 10, 2018
Away Football at Columbia and Sy Katz Parade: November 17, 2018
Without alumni support, the bands would be unable to have so many wonderful opportunities to play, support our teams, and share our Big Red spirit. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped continue the Big Red Bands’ success. Both Phonathon and Giving Day were huge success thanks to your help. During phonathon, we raised over $38,000 for the Bands in two evenings of calling! $20,000 of this was from the first day alone and does not include all of the unspecified gifts we got, which means the number will go up even more! This is an all-time record! Alumni support goes so far to help the band and every gift is greatly appreciated and helps to make the band that much better. Giving Day further contributed to the bands! With the help of over 400 donors, we raised $25,000 for the bands; $5,000 of which was given by athletics for winning a donor challenge! We cannot thank you enough for your unwavering support and making all that the bands do possible
Additionally, our Fundraising Chairs have been hard at work. Caressa Swartz ‘21 and Peter VandeVort ‘21, Pep Band Fundraising Chairs, held a fundraiser at the much loved DP Dough, and raised over $200! We ordered so many calzones that we broke their ovens! Talk about commitment! Calios also reached out to us shortly after and an additional fundraiser will surely follow. There will also be bands merchandise available for purchase soon, so keep an eye on your inbox for more details on that to come in the near future.
Thank you again for your continued support!
Hello Alumni!
We are the Cornell University Indoor Drumline! Some of you may remember us from your years here (we were founded in 2006), but to reintroduce ourselves, CUID is a student-run winter percussion ensemble competing in the New York State Percussion Circuit. We are separate from the Big Red Bands, but much of our membership overlaps and we are grateful for the opportunity to rehearse under the same roof!
Our season usually begins as the marching band season winds down. We hold auditions before the end of the fall semester and use winter break to individually learn warm-up exercises as well as the show that we compete with in the upcoming season. We reconvene at the end of break to officially kick-off our season with Drum Camp, and then hold rehearsals throughout the rest of the season. We practice around 2-3 times per week in the Fischell Band Center in preparation for our competitions in upstate New York.
This season, we put on a showcase for the Cornell community in Barton Hall for the first time in our history! It was a successful event; we performed our 2018 show, Paradigm, to an audience as our first performance this season to increase awareness around campus about who we are and what we do. Our first competition was at Hilton High School the following weekend where we placed first in our class! We are currently continuing to clean and perfect Paradigm in preparation for the Championships competition at Onondaga Community College on Sunday, April 8th. If you are interested in learning more about us or would just like to see what we do you can go to our website at
-Cornell University Indoor Drumline

The Flutes have been having a flovely semester! We started with cookie-baking and have only had more fun since. We’d like to congratulate the flutes who stepped up to leadership positions for 2018: Julia Klopfer is Treasurer, Shan Parikh is a Publicity Chair, and Bridget Childs is Secretary. This semester, we’re looking forward to more events with other sections, Cornell Days, and the Spring Concert, and can’t wait for the return of full-fledged marching band in the fall!

The Clarinets have definitely been keeping busy this semester between Pep Band and some packed weekend activities. We just had an awesome Spring Clarinetini that went on forever (in a good way of course), and look forward to all of our events in the coming weeks. We’ve added some new ‘dance’ moves to a few Pep Band and Marching Band Songs- like stomping in You’re Gonna Go Far Kid (arranged by our very own Jeremy Miller!!) and The Hand That Feeds, and doing Susan’s weird dance move at the beginning of Sweet Child O’ Mine. Already, we’ve had a little bit of Marching Band this year with HEC Kickoff and Giving Day, and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the semester has in store.

The Saxes have been doing great this semester, and have been learning so much about each other as well as other sections. We’ve hung out with the likes of trumpets and trombones, and we’ll be chilling still with flutes, drumline, and others! We’ve been blessed to have an impromptu Slope Day 0.5 during a SaxHouse brunch, and celebrated the Eagles Super Bowl victory with a whole house read-along of the glorious “Eagles are Turning People into Horses” (eagles eagles eagles)! Many of us have been getting involved by writing new cheers and stepping up to leadership positions in the band. In fact, we have 8 members in 6 different bandstaph positions, including our lovely drum major Katherine Curtis ‘19 (Saxy DM dynasty part 3) this year!! We love to see this much excitement for the band and are looking forward to an awesome spring and fall semester!

The Horns are a busy group, but we have enjoyed seeing each other at weekly section dinners. We are so excited for our seniors, Snigdha Sharma, Sachi Koide, and Kristen Rose Baxter, to graduate, but will miss them terribly. They will go on to do great things! Despite being one the of the smaller sections, we have quite a few members that have stepped up to leadership positions. Kassandra Patrick ’21 as Equipment Chair, Carrie Rucker ’21 as Uniform Chair (BRMB) and Social Chair (PB), Maria Komorowski ’19 as Alumni Relations Chair (BRMB) and Historian Chair (PB), and Emma Jacob ‘20 and Kelly Grice ‘20 (also a ShowComm member) as your horny section leaders. Although many of the horns continue to be active in pep band, we are anxiously awaiting the upcoming marching season, and cannot wait to be (and waaahh) louder than ever!

The Trumpets have had an awesome beginning to 2018! We continue to fill the ranks of Bandstaph with Ponyboy Siper ‘20 ascending to Trumpet Section Leader, Chris Sanchez ‘20 becoming the most powerful person in band (Spinmaster), Tips Han ‘19 baking his way to the position of Trumpet Mom, Jeff Van ‘19 as Head Field Manager, Justin Kozma ‘20 as both Uniform Chair and ShowComm Member (wow), and one of our pep band trumpets, Emily Grigg ‘21, as Publicity Chair! We also love pep band, which is why we have Emily Waite ‘21 as Pep Band Equipment Chair and Peter VandeVort ‘21 and Caressa Swartz ‘21, another proud pep band trumpet, as Pep Band Fundraising Chairs. We’ve been ice skating, Taco Bell eating, seeing trumpet alums on and off of pep band trips, and continuing to kick butt as the best section in the band. We will miss our seniors, Mary Amper ‘18 and Bethany Angeliu ‘18, as they graduate and move on to bigger and better things. Soon we will have our Trumpet Formal at everyone’s favorite Chinese Buffet, Slope Day, and a host of other outside gatherings. Our section’s future looks bright with a solid core of proud trumpet freshmen in the marching and pep bands, and we look forward to a fantastic Fall 2018 season!

Da Bones are off to a great start! Ji Ann Greenberg was elected as our new section leader for 2018, and Kevin Juarez-Leon is going once more around the block in the position. Our freshman are amazing gifts from the heavens to us, and you should all come back to visit and meet them! We miss you all! Cornell Days are around the corner, and we can’t wait to welcome and meet new naive faces; and the marching season will be here sooner than we expect it!! We are still working on sorting out Bone Mugs, so sit tight for that. Thank you for all of your gracious donations to make these orders possible. The company only has a weird 28 oz mug available and don’t know when the manufacturer will be able to produce the 32 oz mugs since they continued breaking in the kilns. But rest assured, we are working on it. Otherwise, you can find us playing Gang Beasts, frying stuff, enjoying milk and cookies, underboning, and having a good ol’ wholesome time. Please come visit us, we love you all so much, and we miss you!

The Tubae are at it again, with a fun filled semester so far complete with all of the shenanigans that we always do. We’ve of course been continuing our Taco Tuesday tradition. This semester, we say goodbye to our much-appreciated Ed as he graduated after completing his MEng work. His legacy will certainly live on as our Freshmen, Coy, Eli, and Juan, and our Junior, but new to band Becky, have continued to amaze us every day. Our seniors have been enjoying their last few months as undergrads, and we’re getting ready for another INCREDIBLE semester next year! JK we are the tubae- we don’t get ready for anything haha

The Guard is ready to come out of our winter hibernation to spin together once again! Lately, we have been rocking our amazing matching knee socks and bonding with baking nights. How many different kinds of cookies can we make? Congratulations to Becca Rodell ‘19 on being elected Head Manager, we cannot wait to see you lead this band and do a truly great job! Within our own section, Tara van Nieuwstadt ‘20 was elected captain and Marlaina Gehret ‘20, co-captain. Many other members have also risen up the band ladder as part of our growing prominence in the band and Bandstaph, including Emily Grigg ‘21 as Publicity Chair (keeping the legacy going strong!), as well as Rachel Bradley ‘21 and Toni Sassano ‘19 as Social Chairs. The guard takeover of the band has begun! We cannot wait for the spring weather to air our silks again, but in the meantime we are looking forward to a fun year of awesome flag work and new traditions!
The Percussion as usual, too cool for BandNotes, but we snuck in a picture of them anyway.

Hey Alumni!
I’m Jordan Greissman, a senior Computer Science and English double major, and I’m Kristen Ajmo, a junior studying Environmental Engineering, and we’re your Spring 2018 Pep Band Conductors! Together, we form the collective, amorphous blob known as Jojmo. We’ve both been in pep band since we first came to Cornell and, while we started on trombone and clarinet, respectively, we both now play percussion when we’re not conducting.

Jordan “Jojo” Greissman
We’ve had a really exciting semester so far because many of our teams have been playing really well! In addition to our men’s hockey team, who made the ECAC and NCAA tournaments, our women’s hockey team made their ECAC tournament, and the men’s basketball team played in the Ivy League tournament in Philly! We’re incredibly excited to get to travel to support our teams and we know that the rest of the band is too! Many new freshmen joined the pep band this semester, too, after we had a very successful spring semester ClubFest!
We have been focusing a lot this semester on reintroducing some songs to the folder. We’ve found that there are a good number of songs that we’ve stopped playing over our few years at Cornell and have been trying to bring them back, based on the band’s feedback. A lot of these songs are on the difficult side, so the whole band has definitely been working very hard during rehearsals. We think that relearning these songs has been a rewarding experience, and getting to play them at games has really energized the band! The band seems to really be enjoying the challenges we’ve been giving them and has been sounding truly great!
Looking towards the back half of the semester, we are hoping to hold another Student Arranger’s Day, where we can try out some more experimental songs and see if the band wants to introduce them to the folder. We have a good amount of cheersheets and songs that have been sent to us since the last Student Arranger’s Day, so we think the later part of the semester is a good time to play through them all. We’re also really excited to get to start playing at outdoor events such as baseball and lacrosse!

Kristen “Kajmo” Ajmo
Getting to be a pep band conductor has been an incredibly fulfilling experience for both of us. We have been so honored and motivated by the enthusiasm and energy with which our band plays and cheers at these games. Watching the band grow and engage even more with the music over the course of this semester has really reaffirmed why we cJhose to run for conductor and love the pep band so much. We’re both very proud of this band and are immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to lead it!
-Jordan “Jojo” Greissman ‘18 and Kristen “Kajmo” Ajmo ‘19
Hello Alumni!
My name is Zach Brothers, and I am incredibly happy to introduce myself as the 2018 Pep Band Manager! I am a sophomore who studies Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering . I am also on the Resistance Racing Engineering Project Team and an Eagle Scout from Cary, North Carolina. In marching band, I am a member of the tuba section (current tuba liaison) and I have previously served as Treasurer for the Pep Band. As you might imagine, being in this manager position has been challenging; however, I love what I do and I have great people helping me along the way. Speaking of which, my conductors, Jordan “Jojo” Greissman ’18 and Kristan “Kajmo” Ajmo ’19, have made my life all the easier with their incredible conducting abilities and their infectious passion and enthusiasm for the Pep Band!
Our Men’s Hockey team has had quite the historical season this year winning the Cleary Cup and the Ivy League Title! During our regular season run this semester, we had three trips to Harvard/Dartmouth, SLU/Clarkson, Union/RPI. All these trips were filled with wins and amazing memories that will last a lifetime. We were even ranked number 1 in the country for some time (the hockey team AND the band of course, since the band always wins). As per tradition with the Clarkson/SLU trip, David Angello, father of the hockey player Anthony Angello ‘19, provided the Pep Band with pizza for the bus ride home. As you can imagine, everyone on the bus was quite happy to receive free food. The Union/RPI trip had the first ever (that I know of) pep band post-game concert. Since our bus bottomed out and we had to wait for the tow truck to arrive, we figured the best way to spend the extra time was to make music with our friends and goof off. Needless to say, we had an absolute blast! Men’s Hockey finished their season as 1st place overall in the ECAC with the previously mentioned Ivy League Title and Cleary Cup. This year, the playoff series took us to Lake Placid, NY and Worcester, MA for the ECAC Championship and NCAA Regionals respectively.
Women’s Hockey has also found a lot of success this season, ending as Ivy League Champions and 3rd place overall in the ECAC! After making it to the ECAC semi-Finals game, our team unfortunately lost when Colgate scored with one second left on the clock. While it wasn’t the desired ending, the women’s team had quite the season and continued to make us proud. We cheered them on all year and backed them with the power of the Big Red Pep Band!
With hockey season coming to an end, our next sporting season is lacrosse. Recently, our packed schedule (and the snow) has prevented us from attending the first few games this season, however we’re excited to support Cornell Lacrosse with the pep band soon. This year, we also want to try to make it to more baseball games for the Big Red. As long as the weather decides to cooperate, we will support our teams because WE ARE THE BEST IN THE IVY LEAGUE!!!!!!!
Please reach out to me ( if you are ever back in Ithaca or wherever we travel! We would love to welcome you back to the band that is far above Cayuga’s waters and have you play with us.
Hope to see you soon!
-Zachary Brothers ‘20

Hey alumni!
My name is Katherine Curtis and I am your 2018 BRMB Drum Major! I am a junior Human Biology, Health, and Society (HBHS) major in the College of Human Ecology. After graduation, I plan on going to medical school with the goal of going into pediatrics. Last season, I served as one of the saxophone section leaders. Although I do miss playing, I am having the time of my life in front of the band, and still have the opportunity to pick up a saxophone every so often.
Marching band recently came out of their winter hibernation by helping the Hotel School to celebrate the beginning of Hotel Ezra Cornell (HEC). On a snowy Wednesday afternoon, clad in hats and gloves, members of the BRMB paraded down to the Statler and warmed up with our annual parade through the building. The event concluded with a short concert outside of the Statler Auditorium for the Introduction to Wines students. Members of our trumpet section were also invited to the Hotel Ezra Cornell Banquet to parade visitors to the ballroom.
We held our Giving Day Concert on March 20th, which coincidentally (or not!) occured on the International Day of Happiness. Because some students were unable to get out of class for HEC, it was great to have so many band members playing for the Giving Day Concert. Hopefully, you were able to spot some of your favorite dances during the livestream! We want to thank you all for listening!
The band has already been preparing for our upcoming fall season. Our Show Committee Chairs held our first ever spring marching clinic. This was designed for members who were interested in applying to Show Committee, as well as prospective rank leaders, in order to brush up on marching skills and help them understand how best to teach others proper marching technique.
In addition, we recently held our first music rehearsal! We are very excited about the music we have chosen for our shows and will be working hard to make it sound great. We are lucky to have a group of dedicated student arrangers who will be working on the songs that are in two of our shows! They have put in a lot of hard work to make our shows unique. Homecoming will be on September 22nd, and we are excited to announce that our homecoming song this year will be Conquistador!
As the snow starts to melt, we look forward to the other events in the coming months! Many of our members discovered the BRMB during Cornell Days, so we are excited to get back to Ho Plaza and play for all of the prospective students. April 21 marks the day of the Spring Concert! If you will be in town, our concert will take place in the Ithaca Commons. The Big Red Marching Band has a lot to be proud of in the work we’ve done in the past year and I am so excited to see what the band has in store for the season. I hope to see everyone at these future events! Thank you for all of your continued support!
Katherine Curtis ‘19
Hey Alumni!
New year, new head manager (it’s not too late to use that right?). Well anyway, my name is Becca Rodell, and I have the pleasure of being your 2018 BRMB Head Manager. When I am not trying to orchestrate events from the top of Kite Hill, you can probably find me in my lab in Biotech (which provides quite the nice view of the band room) doing research on C. elegans. That’s right, you guessed it- I am a biology major, concentrating in cell and molecular biology because what is more interesting than figuring out the mechanisms behind this beautiful system of life? I’ll be graduating in December of 2018, so that makes me either a second semester junior or first semester senior, depending on your perspective. After graduation, I’ll be heading off to a different (to be determined) university to work on a PhD, because I just really love learning a lot. Almost as much as I love the guard, my home section, where I had the privilege of being Captain in 2017. Now I get to run the whole band, and I cannot be more excited for what this year has in store.
We’ve had a slow start this year, as it normally happens with the spring semester. You probably heard from us a lot between Phonathon and Giving Day, which were MAJOR successes by the way! We set a new record for Phonathon, absolutely smashing the previous one. Giving Day was helped by the new fundraisers campaign, which brought in more donors than ever before. Thank you to the 411 donors that participated in Giving Day by helping to raise the bands nearly $25,000, money that will help fund our travel, instruments, and good cheer throughout the year! As always, none of this would be possible without your gracious gifts to the Big Red Bands and any other way you show your support. We are forever grateful for every last bit of time, housing, or funds that you’re able to give!
More events started to kick-in during March, as potential rank leaders and show committee members marched forth on March 4th (I’m not sure who picked the date, and I’m not sure if I like it) to dust off marching skills and prepare for taking on active roles in the fall. Our learning then continued with a Bandstaph meeting, where a presentation from Cornell Health was given, entitled Notice & Respond: Friend 2 Friend. We learned about how to recognize mental health struggles in our peers and ways to support them through rough times. These valuable skills will hopefully not only make us better bandsmen, but better people too.
March also featured our annual performance at Hotel Ezra Cornell, where we kicked things off with a Wednesday parade through Statler Hall. Even though it was the middle of March, Ithaca weather still decided to snow on us! On Saturday, the trumpet section had a featured performance, leading a second parade through Statler Hall. Thank you to Bethany Angeliu ‘18, Spot Ellert-Beck ‘20, and Patrick Bem ‘21 for being our performers featured that evening.
Now we are in April, looking forward to the true gems of the spring semester: Cornell Days and Spring Concert. We will be performing on Ho Plaza on April 13th, 16th, and 19th to indoctrinate and recruit prospective students, convincing them that they need to come to Cornell just for the Only REAL Marching Band in the Ivy League™ . Our Spring Concert will be held on April 21st, where we will be returning to the Ithaca Commons. Band members are just itching to get back to proper parading and concerting, and I cannot wait to begin my term as ladder and mace holder for Katherine Curtis ‘19. We will wrap up the month of April with Bring a Child to Work Day, where we will get to educate the youngins on the fundamentals of being part of a marching band.
The spring semester will then slowly drift off into summer, where we will see some of our wonderful alums at Reunion on June 7th – 10th. Hopefully we will all make it through the dog days of summer until band returns in August. It’ll be a tough time waiting for the band’s return, but thoughts of an extended O-week, a new football schedule, and new members of the BRMB family will tide us through.
I cannot wait for all that this year still has in store. Hopefully Reunion (June 7-10) and Homecoming (Sept 22- mark your calendars!) will bring many of you back to Cornell and the BRMB. If not, catch us on the road to Brown, Princeton, and Columbia this fall.
It sure is going to be one fun, incredible adventure of a year!
- Becca Rodell ’18.5