Dr. Henry Heimlich, former BRMB drum major, conducting the band:
Over one hundred alumni and family members took refuge from the rain at the BRB reunion luncheon in Fischell Band Center. It was a blast – we’re so glad so many bandies could make it back to the hill!

Looking for the band’s full itinerary for Homecoming weekend? Click here!
Hey Alumni!
Are you ready for another great Homecoming with the only REAL Marching Band in the Ivy League? If you’ll be joining us don’t forget to fill out this RSVP survey and read on for a preview of the weekend! The band’s full itinerary can be viewed by following the link at the top of this page. As always, please get in touch with any questions or concerns.
Friday, September 23rd
- 4:00 PM: Annual Big Red Bands Alumni Association meeting: Join us in the Yale-Princeton room of the Statler hotel; please email BRBAA chair Lowell Frank at lhf3@cornell.edu if you have questions or topics you’d like discussed. Appetizers will be served at the meeting and we will adjourn to the Regent Lounge afterwards.
Saturday, September 24th
- 10:30 AM: Rehearsal on Alumni Field: Join us as we rehearse this year’s Homecoming song “Power.” Instruments and music folders can be picked up at the Fischell Band Center.
- 11:30 AM: Alumni tailgate and luncheon at the Fischell Band Center
- 2:00 PM: Tailgate concert at Kite Hill
- 6:00 PM: Post-game concert and reception at Fischell Band Center
We can’t wait to welcome you back to the hill!
All the best,
Kristen Rose Baxter ‘18
Odalis Fores ‘19
Marching Band Fall Schedule:
Our schedule is as follows:
September 24th: Homecoming! vs Yale
October 8th: Away @ Harvard (with an appearance at Quincy Market)
October 15th: Home vs Sacred Heart
October 22nd: Away @ Brown
October 29th: Home vs Princeton
November 5th: Home vs Dartmouth
November 12th: Away @ Columbia
November 19th: Home vs Penn (SUCKS)
Please email Adam Drenkard (adrenkard@gmail.com) if you plan to attend an away game and you do not live near the home team.
MSG Information:
If you want to attend the annual Cornell Men’s Ice Hockey game at Madison Square Garden this year, read on!
This year’s game is on Saturday, November 26th at 8:00 pm versus the University of New Hampshire. Tickets will be $29, available in either Section 219 (barstools behind the Band) or the first few rows of Section 220 (to the side of the Band).
If you would like a ticket, please contact Emily (eli7@cornell.edu) or Steve (steven.albanese91@gmail.com) by September 1st with the following information:
Ticket quantity (can include definites and maybes)
Section seating preference
Phone number